| Research Oriented
We believe that bottom-up research and global comparison are the two golden approaches to identifying the industry leaders in the Chinese market.
| Long-term Oriented
We believe that the overall return may be jeopardized by short-term motivations.
We strive to earn clients’ longstanding trust by generating long-term sustainable returns.
| Team Wisdom Oriented
Our two founders worked as a team for nearly 10 years and have achieved significant investment success.
Sharing common cultural and investment principles, Simpleway staff owns a complementary skill set and pursues team wisdom in the investment decision making process.
| Trustworthy Oriented
Our founders have created absolute return of over 40 billion RMB for the public over 3 bull-bear cycles that last 15 years.
At Simpleway, we will treat your investment as our own, and strive to maximize long-term absolute returns and minimize risks.